As you may know, swimwear and most sportswear are made from petroleum-based synthetic fibers. These fabrics, since they are made of plastic, do not decompose easily. They end up like most of our waste: in the ocean, which is already well polluted! But then, how is it that we can make eco-friendly swimwear using these synthetic fabrics?
New eco-friendly materials for swimsuits
Thanks to an ecological conscience that is developing more and more, new recycling technologies have appeared and it is currently possible to produce nylon and polyester (the two most used materials) from recycling or regeneration, using the plastic that is polluting the sea as a raw material. Thus, the residues are taken from the sea and used instead of the classical petrochemical substances. The fibers and yarns produced through these recycling processes are then turned into beautiful, high-quality fabrics that we can use to produce our Mimi & August swimsuits.
You then can have the best of both worlds: a stretchy and durable swimsuit, as well as reducing the demand for petroleum!
ECONYL fabric of the future
Created in Italy, The ECONYL fabric is produced from synthetic waste such as plastic and fishing nets coming from the oceans. The regeneration process of this fabric makes it possible to use less and less water to transform those sea wastes into high-quality new nylon yarn (that are as good as some brand new fibers)!
Infinitely recyclable and reusable
If you were wondering, the answer is YES: ECONYL can be infinitely recycled and reused, unlike some other recycled fibers. The ECONYL will always keep its shape and durability, and the transformation process does not weaken the fibers.
The ECONYL fabric is usually used for carpets and apparel, especially stretchy pieces such as swimsuits and leggings.
The ECONYL circular process
The first step of the circular transformation process of ECONYL is to collect post-consumer plastic in the sea and clean them out. These wastes are collected all across the globe, including the United States, Canada, Greece, Egypt, Thailand and Norway.
The ECONYL fabric is made from the following pieces:
- Old carpets destined from landfills
- Fishing nets
- Plastic waste coming from industrial processes
- Fabric wastes
- And more!
Fabrication process good for the oceans
In addition to helping the environment with its circular production, the fabrication process of ECONYL is good for the oceans. Indeed, non-biodegradable nylon wastes constantly harm the sea animals such as sea turtles, dolphins and more. Since the ECONYL fabric is made of plastic wastes, many volunteers are helping collect the unwanted pieces and sending them to the ECONYL transformation center. The oceans are thus a little cleaner, and there is less waste in the water that possibly can harm sea animals.
Secondly, it’s time for waste preparation. The pieces are chopped out into flakes and then being sent off to the transformation center to depolymerised and extract the nylon from the tiny pieces.
After, the ECONYL is processed into yarn fibers. The yarn is then ready to be transformed into beautiful swimwear!
Reusing past-consumer products is great for the environment
The final step is the re-commercialization of the fabric. The goal is to create products that are endlessly regenerable.

Reusing past-consumer products is great for the environment, since the ecological impact is much lower than sourcing new materials. The best thing that we can do for the environment is choosing circular-process products, and keep them for a long time.
Any other questions about our ECONYL swimsuits? We will be glad to answer them at [email protected]
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